Romanos Kapsalis

Romanos Kapsalis

AI Engineer


About me

I am an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Engineer at Code4Thought. My work includes building trustworthy and ethical AI systems. My research interests include machine learning, ethical AI and information retrieval.

I am passionate about building AI Systems for social good and everything that is data-related.

Download my resumé.

“Those who can imagine anything, can create the impossible.”
Alan Turing

  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Ethical AI
  • Data Science
  • Information Retrieval
  • Integrated MSc in Computer Engineering, 2016-2022

    University of Patras


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AI Engineer
Jan 2022 – Present Patras, Greece
Institute for bio-economy and agri-technology (iBO), Centre for research and technology – Hellas (CERTH)
Machine Learning Engineer Intern
Apr 2021 – Jun 2021 Volos, Greece

Responsibilities included:

  • Data preparation.
  • Data visualization with Plotly, Matplotlib and Seaborn libraries.
  • Applied Machine Learning algorithms on various problems. More specifically, unsupervised learning (Self Organizing Maps and Gaussian Mixture Models) and supervised learning algorithms (Random Forest, SVM, XGBoost, ADA, Logistic Regression, KNN, CART).
  • A deep learning model (U-Net) was built in Keras Tensorflow for a semantic image segmentation task.

My Academic History


BASH Shell Scripting

BASH Shell Scripting

Various BASH Shell scripts.

Classification tasks

Classification tasks

Red wine quality prediction using Support Vector Machines (SVM) and fake news detection using a Sequential Neural Network with Tensorflow Keras API



Designed a compilers' lexical analyzer, parser and BNF Grammar for some-features of Tweet-JSON, using the open-source tools flex and bison.

Data Structures

Data Structures

Interpolation search, binary search, linear search, merge sort, red black tree and digital tree, were implemented in JAVA. Large datasets were used for various observations.

Document Similarity

Document Similarity

Top-k most similar documents were retrieved using cosine similarity.

E-recruitment app

E-recruitment app

A database (MySQL) was designed and a GUI was implemented (in JAVA) for an e-recruitment app. Three types of users are supported, admin, candidate and recruiter.

Mountain Slope

Mountain Slope

Developed 2 Wordpress plugins & a ski clothing e-shop based on WooCommerce, called “Mountain Slope”.

Multidimensional Data Structures

Multidimensional Data Structures

A B+ Tree was implemented to execute range and exact match queries and a Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH) algorithm, using the MinHash method for finding similar documents as measured by Jaccard similarity.

Parallel Processing

Parallel Processing

Parallel implementation of Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm using OpenMP

Patras Gazer

Patras Gazer

System of collection, management and a crowdsourced information analysis of spatiotemporal information data on human activity using Google Location History, for the city of Patras, Greece.

Scientific computation

Scientific computation

Assignments for Scientific Computation course in MATLAB.

Semantic WEB

Semantic WEB

XML, XML Schema (XSD), XPath and XSL | RDFS ontology | OWL ontology | SPARQL queries

Sentiment classification

Sentiment classification

Two deep learning models for binary sentiment analysis

Software engineering

Software engineering

Software engineering project (technical deliverables + code).

Recent Publications
